niedziela, 13 grudnia 2015

Spin of direction.

Ok, I got really pissed of by Unreal. It took me literally 6 minutes to compile a single class written in c++. Ok, first compilation you said. Well ok, then I wanted to debug... So I needed to choose different target in MS Visual Studio... And it took another 6 minutes to recompile + next 2 minutes to run editor in debug mode. But guess what, breakpoints doesn't work. So I spent 15 minutes just waiting to see that it doesn't work. Well another problem is, when in editor you press Ctl+Space to see completions... I waited 30s to get this... Fucking 30s for autocompletion? Ok, my computer isn't monster but it works much, much faster in InteliJ into which I put a bunch of heavy libraries. So I downloaded Unity, and started to learn new tool. Let's try to give a chance for different game engine. At first look it works like a blizzard, comparing to Unreal. We will see...

piątek, 11 grudnia 2015

Hard testing.

Ok, I resurrected my PC! Then I improved my Astah plugin to export even more data from diagrams. Now I can control dialogues, passages (doors closed/open) and initial location of NPC. I also finished corrections of chapter one dialogues. After exporting it to JSON it takes me 143kB of definitions. A little to much to handle it manually. So I decided to write Java application which can load all this and work as a NPC speak engine. So now you can check how it will behave in this same way as it would in game. This step allowed me to verify exported data structures. And as usual I discovered several bugs. Sometimes I was exporting nulls, other times conditions wasn't good. I also discovered few things which need to be covered in Unreal. Now it's time to send this to my beloved testers, and start to convert it into unreal. 
When I polish my tools a little more I'll upload sources to it. Maybe someone finds it useful.

poniedziałek, 7 grudnia 2015

Visit of a death god.

Well, I wanted to write some more things which I was doing lately. But... I got very sad situation, my win7 just died. Lovely "Side by side" configuration problem. It looks like I had no luck in resurrecting my machine and time comes to reinstall system from scratch. I just spent last 2 days to try not do this... Well, I'll back with new post after I solve this...